Beyond HTMLThe most important thing in this entire (read: loooong) article is right there in the abstract:
"The new system met and exceeded the baseline expectations for content collection and
management, offering a greater control over appearance and navigation while still offering
customization features for liaisons." No matter what brave new world we're exploring in trying to better library services, I think it's important in every type, shape, and size of library that we remember that the end must
always be to best serve the patrons. Georgia State University Library succeeded in that way, I think; andThat makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
HTML Cheatsheet, HTML Tutorial, and CSS TutorialAll of these seem easy enough to follow, but they annoy me for no rational reason. It's almost like they'd be useful or something if I ever stooped to doing my own webpage authoring. Yes, I
am a huge snob. Yes, I'm out of the closet now: I'm a playa hater. I don't
want to know more about programming. I
*heart* event programming to the nth degree, but I could do without ever trying to HTML my way out of a paper bag.
Highly unfortunately for me, there's Assignment 6 to be done. Who knows, maybe I'll be converted to the good ways of HTML writing by the time the assignment is finished...yeah.